[November XX, 2024]

Kinfolkology x. Community: Alexandria, VA




We’re happy you’re here! Please grab something to eat and drink and then locate your seat (where your name tag is). Look for the placard with the Breakout Group you signed up to join; that’s where your name tag will be.

By the way, if you’d like your sketch-portrait to be included in Greg Gersch’s graphic notes for this workshop and you haven’t already shared a photo with him, feel free to snap a quick selfie and send it to gggersch@gmail.com now. You can see Greg’s graphic notes from our last workshop here.

Attendee Introductions


During this time, we invite attendees to introduce themselves and answer the following question: In your wildest dreams—where funding and resources are unlimited—what do you want to achieve? (Greg Gersch will add each person’s response to his graphic notes!)

Introducing Kinfolkology


Members of the Kinfolkology x Community: Alexandria, VA team will introduce themselves during this time. Afterwards, Eola and Jennie will share information about Kinfolkology’s origins, vision, and goals for the future.

Workshopping Kinfolkology’s Data


Dr. Williams will lead a 15 minute “hard hat tour” of the two databases housed @ Kinfolkology, Oceans of Kinfolk & Louisiana Kindred. Then we will open up the floor for questions and collaborative thinking.

Breakout Groups Conversations


Between 3:30 and 4:00, each breakout group will discuss a question inspired a different Ancestor Profile. If you’d like, you can take notes in the notebooks we’ve provided, which are yours to keep.

Reporting Back from Breakout Group Conversations


During this time, members of each group are invited to “report back” about their conversation by sharing a few highlights and key themes from the discussion. [Greg Gersch will be taking notes as each group reports back.]

Envisioning Structural Parity


Structural parity is a model of shared organizational authority or governance developed by the Montpelier Descendants Committee. When structural parity is in place, Descendants are represented—and empowered—at every level of an organization. There are, however, multiple ways structural parity might be achieved. During this time, we invite attendees to share their thoughts about which model of structural parity they support Kinfolkology adopting. If you are willing to share your thoughts, please vote for the model of your choice using this form.

Wrapping up


This time is reserved for sharing our thanks, as well as final questions and dialogue. If you would like to keep in touch with other workshop attendees, as well as attendees of previous and future workshops, please consider joining the Kinfolkology Community Directory.